Stem Cell Research
To begin a discussion of a topic like Stem Cell research one must first look to the past and the accomplishments of man within the concept of the human body and more specifically that involving areas and elements of conception. There are those in our world today who condemn Stem Cell research under the assumption that man is on the verge of playing God as such research is refined.
It is a fact that similar controversy existed during the 1970's when invitro-fertilization was first introduced for infertile couples. At the other end of that spectrum we find the argument, ever continuing in society, regarding Abortion. These two extremes have to be explored as well if we are to speak of Stem Cell research. Specifcially Embryonic Stem Cell research. Why embryonic? Simple answer. There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. It is these distinctions and these topics I wish to speak of as well as the future of medicine and how I believe it is in great perile should any society abandon the study of embryonic stem cell research because of religious or conception based beliefs.
The first fact any individual must acknowledge in Western society, since we embrace the belief that a woman's body is her own and her choice to do with it as she sees fit. This goes to the heart of two aspects of this research. Abortion involves the destruction of an embryo, and is in our society of the west a LEGAL procedure. Embryonic stem cell research requires embryos in order to further its potential.
What is embryonic stem cell research and what does it mean? How does it differ from adult stem cell research? These answers are simple, but to explain we must define the cellualar development of the human body.
Everyday our body creates and destroys cells. A simple example is the thirty day cycle within which the entire epedermis (or skin) of a human being will re-create itself as it abandons cells by creating new ones. This includes the healing of cuts, sunburns, abrasions, and simple everyday replenishment by nutrtional requirements. Our skin is the largest organ of the human body and, as I mentioned, replenishes itself by killing and growing new cells every month. It is fair to say, then, that it is a natural process that the human body will create and destroy cells as it needs to. This is not a man made event, not even a Godly event. It is a biological function of our bodies.
During the process of Abortion, we are eliminating an embryo that is capable of creating a human being. Even without the introduction of sperm for the purpose of creation, a woman's body will monthly destroy an embryo during menstration. This is, again, a biological fuction. Abortion is only introduced in the event that sperm has penetrated this embryo and created the "potential" for creation. Of which, even with such penetration, only a thirty percent chance of actual conception will occur. The destruction of this event during Abortion relieves the woman of that thirty percent possibility. Abortion is considered legal and safe since it has never been agreed upon as to when fertilization of an embryo is actually considered the creation of a human being. However, it is generally accepted that a human being does not come into form until the third trimester of pregnancy. This is why, up to that time Abortion is considered a legal medical procedure. It is also these probilities and time that make human life so sacred.
What if that embryo cited for destruction could be saved and used for medical research? This is question not easy to answer unless I write a book, but it does introduce the idea that if embryo's slated for Abortion were saved, there would be a great deal of material available for research. It might also serve to expand the idea of freedom of choice by adding a "positive" to the end of this current legal medical procedure. Many women wonder later if they made a mistake having had an abortion. Others that might just be relieved to know that they are, at least, doing something to futher medicine. Afterall, currently the embryo is destroyed and discarded after the abortion is complete. What if it could help cure someone of an injury or birth defect? Someday maybe it can. This is only possible with stem cell research.
What is the distinction though and why can we not just use existing adult stem cells? This answer is simple. An adult stem cell has already received instructions during the creation process to become a part of the body. An arm, a leg, a lung, a spinal cord etc.
Embryonic stem cells have not yet received any such instruction. This is why they are the only hope for specific medical treatment. If such cells could be told to become an arm, a leg, a lung or a spinal cord then we might just be able to supplement or create the necessary cells that would cure ( CURE! ) the maladies of so many human beings that we could never count that high. This would be without the use of medications, invasive procedures, or surgery. Simply the planting of cells and the stimulation to have them create, repair, or replace defective cells in all aspects of the human body. Imagine for a moment a person dying of cancer, but having the ability to grow new cells to replace those cells being killed. Maybe a person who is compelled to stay in a wheel chair the rest of their life might rise and walk again. Someone born blind or blinded by diabetes can be made to see again? Maybe diabetes could be illiminated. Maybe Aids. Maybe...maybe...maybe.
Is that not the ultimate purpose of medicine? Or is it playing God as some simple minds would define such research. To me, it would be tradgedy and against the natural wishes or nature and/or God to allow these people to suffer. We complain daily how God allows so much suffering in the world? This might just relieve some of that. People die everyday and we think nothing of it. Maybe, just maybe, we would learn again to treasure life.
During the time when invitro-fertilization was first introduced, many suggested the medical profession was playing God. Yet today, it has allowed people incapable of conceiving a child to do precisely that. To raise a family. It has become a normal, routine part of child birthing options for infertile couples. Is that playing God? By planting sperm in an embryo? Not by today's standards, but in the 1970's it was precisely that. It was a science that succeeded amidst a bombardment of protest.
Today, we can clone just about anything we want. From Dogs, to Goats, even plants. There are those who think we can even clone a human being. Not to mention that during the cloning process we can genetically alter them anyway we choose. New plants with odd shapes and colors. Animals with various skin tones ( like the pig with green feet and nose ). The only unanswered question of cloning is how long a clone might live and in what condition. This will take time to discover, and we will, but presently that answer is not available.
Dolly, the first cloned sheep for example is currently showing signs of arthritis. Given this clones age, it is unusual for a sheep to have arthritis at this time in it's life cycle. What other elements or defects of clones will present themselves, only time will tell. Besides which, it is tough enough to transplant organs that one would consider a clone a medical solution to most of the solutions stem cell research would solve.
But what is a Stem Cell and how does this whole thing work. In her book ...
Human Embryonic Stem Cells: An Introduction to the Science and Therapeutic Potential
Ann Kiesling discusses in detail the concept of Stem Cell research. Its medical and ethical implications and ultimately what it can mean for medicine. To simplify; Stem cells are primal undifferentiated cells which retain the ability to differentiate into other cell types. This ability allows them to act as a repair system for the body, replenishing other cells as long as the organism is alive.
Medical researchers believe stem cell research has the potential to change the face of human disease by being used to repair specific tissues or to grow organs. Yet as government reports point out, "significant technical hurdles remain that will only be overcome through years of intensive research.". This is the crux of what it can do and what such research should allow it to do.
To summarize in ways much better than I can, I would suggest you read the article in on Stem Cells. It is a basic introduction to this research and I would encourage anyone, whatever your beliefs, to educate yourself and decide for yourself.
Follow the link and read objectively. There are enough fools in this world, too much believe that although God gave the human mind the ability to come up with concepts like this that we should not use them. If it is man's destiny to replace God, if he truly exists, than as far as I am concerned this was his intention to begin with. As a parent lets a child go, it is time for man to move beyond the supernatural and use nature for our own benefit. Unless you believe that things like Chemotherapy and Wheel Chairs, not to mention pharmaceuticals are natural, then YOU need therapy.
I am sure God would prefer we use the tools nature provided, under scientific discovery to help ourselves. It was enough that we invented atomic weapons, that we should ever be prevented from allowing stem cell reasearch to continue in the right way. Here in the west are the tools, money and expertise that will provide the quickest deployment of the medical use of stem cells. Imagine a world without disease...because it is possible to anyone who has the imagination and the intelligence to understand that we are within the grasp of what may be the intentions of nature and the almighty.
Today in the United States, the country best suited for this research, embryonic stem cell research is not being conducted since only so many cells were made available and they ended up being contaminated. They need help, it is up to the rest of the world to step up to the plate and force this issue. People die, that is a fact of life, but let us at least try to make it as natural a death as possible. For me, disease is an aberration and not something we need deal with. If we can unlock the power of the very universe with our weapons of war, we can illiminate disease and in doing that help many others to get up, see, and benefit.
Here is the link to Wikipedia...
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